About Us
Richard began an apprenticeship aged 16 training in hand carved and engraved lettering, whilst undertaking a diploma in art and design at Hereford College of Arts. He worked in and around Herefordshire with another memorial mason for 33 years honing his craft, working on unique and very personal memorials to commemorate loved ones. Richard worked in all aspects of the memorial business but creating beautiful inscriptions and memorial designs is his passion.
Richard had wanted to open his own workshop and in 2023 Richard was pleased to finally begin building Hereford Memorials.
As a born and raised Herefordian Rich has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the memorials suitable for our local churchyards as well as being a registered mason with Herefordshire & Powys Council able to carry out work at their cemeteries fixing to BRAMM and NAMM standards.
We feel proud when a customer chooses us to create their loved one’s memorial and are so pleased to receive their positive feedback, reviews and thank you cards when the work is complete. We are only truly happy when our customer is.